Ceramics and its Dimensions was a multinational project which was coordinated by the Porzellanikon – Staatliches Museum für Porzellan, Hohenberg a. d. Eger / Selb (Germany). We are happy to present you all 18 European partners and the respective contact person. For further information about each partner, please follow the links. Additionally you will find associated partners and supporters, who helped to advance the project’s progress and results.

Uměleckoprůmyslove museum v Praze in Prague (Czech Republic)
Main contact person : |
Eesti Tarbekunsti- ja Disainimuuseum (Tallinn, Estonia) Main contact person: Kai Lobjakas Phone: +37 256486977 E-mail: kai@etdm.ee Website: www.etdm.ee |
Aalto –yliopisto, Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu, Muotoilun laitos (Aalto, Finland)
Main contact person: |
Porzellanikon – Staatliches Museum für Porzellan, Hohenberg a. d. Eger / Selb (Germany)
Main contact person: |
weißensee kunsthochschule berlin Main contact person: Prof. Barbara Schmidt Phone: +49 (0) 3642 479155 E-mail: bs@kahlaporzellan.com Website: www.kh-berlin.de |
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fachgebiet Medien und Kommunikationsmanagement (Germany)
Main contact person: |
Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza (Italy)
Main contact person: |
Design & Crafts Council of Ireland (Kilkenny, Ireland)
Main contact person: |
Vispārīgās Ķīmijas Tehnologijas Institūts, Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāt (Riga, Latvia) Main contact person: Prof. Dr. Līga Bērziņa-Cimdiņa Phone: +371 67089275 E-mail: liga.berzina-cimdina@rtu.lv Website: www.rbiac.rtu.lv |
Rīgas pašvaldības kultūras iestāžu apvienības Rīgas Porcelāna Muzejs (Riga, Latvia)
Main contact person: |
Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd
(Belgrade, Serbia) |
Narodni Muzej u Beogradu (Belgrade, Serbia)
Main contact person: |
Narodni muzej Slovenije (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Main contact person: |
Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias “González Martí” (Valencia, Spain)
Main contact person: |
The Clay Foundation (Stoke-on-Trent, UK)
Main contact person: |
Staffordshire University (Stoke-on-Trent, UK)
Main contact person: |
The Potteries Museum and Art Gallery (Stoke-on-Trent, UK) Main contact person: Keith Bloor Phone: +44 (0) 1782 232577 E-mail: keith.bloor@stoke.gov.uk Website: www.stokemuseums.org.uk/pmag |
Ulster University, Institute for Art & Design (Belfast, UK) Main contact person: Michael Moore Phone: +44 (0) 28 95367213 E-mail: m.moore@ulster.ac.uk Website: www.ulster.ac.uk |
Associated Partners
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation, School of Design (Copenhagen, Denmark) Website: www.kadk.dk |
KAHLA/Thüringen Porzellan GmbH (Kahla, Germany) Website: www.kahlaporzellan.com |
Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern (Munich, Germany) Website: www.museen-in-bayern.de/home |
Villeroy & Boch AG (Mettlach, Germany) Website: www.villeroy-boch.de |
Rundale Palace Museum (Semigallia/ Bauska, Latvia) Website: www.rundale.net |
Turaida Museum Reserve – Special protected Cultural Monument (Riga, Latvia) Website: www.turaida-muzejs.lv |
Fiskars Village (Fiskars, Finland) Website: www.fiskarsvillage.fi |
Ambiente/ Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH (Frankfurt a. M., Germany) Website: www.ambiente.messefrankfurt.com |
bayern design GmbH (Nuremberg, Germany) Website: www.bayern-design.de |
BRÖHAN-MUSEUM Landesmuseum für Jugendstil, und Funktionalismus (Berlin, Germany) Website: www.broehan-museum.de |
Coffee To Go Again (Munich, Germany) Website: www.coffee-to-go-again.de |
Förderverein Porzellanikon Selb
und Hohenberg a. d. Eger e. V. (Germany) |
GREEN WINDOW SERVICES GMBH (Berlin, Germany) Website: www.greenwindow.com |
Rosenthal GmbH (Selb, Germany) Website: www.rosenthal.de |
Porzellanfabriken Christian Seltmann GmbH (Weiden i. d. OPf., Germany) Website: www.seltmann.com |
SOIBELMANN Hotels GmbH/ Bad Alexandersbad (Germany) Website: www.soibelmanns.de/hotels/ soibelmanns-hotel-bad-alexandersbad/ |
Sparkasse Hochfranken (Selb, Germany) Website: www.sparkasse-hochfranken.de/de/home.html |
STAATLICHE PORZELLAN-MANUFAKTUR MEISSEN GMBH (Germany) Website: www.erlebniswelt-meissen.com |
Millenium Court Arts Centre (Portadown, Northern Ireland) Website: www.millenniumcourt.org |